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Action - PC - 2003 - IO Interactive

Freedom Fighters

In an alternate history, the Soviet Union ends World War II by dropping the first atomic bomb on Berlin, thus redefining history. As a result, the Soviet Union never dissolved.

It used its newfound influence to extend the Iron Curtain across all of Europe and most of the Middle East. The Soviets send “military advisors” throughout the Third World, succeeding in placing medium-range nuclear missiles in Cuba, which set the stage for the invasion of the United States.

Plumbers and brothers Christopher and Troy Stone are working in the apartment of Isabela Angelina, the leader of the anti-Soviet group “Warning Against the Reds,” when suddenly helicopters appear flying through the streets and shooting at buildings.

The apartment fills with Soviet soldiers. Troy is mistakenly taken prisoner by the Soviets as Isabela’s fiancĂ©, but the soldiers are unable to find Chris, who is quickly recruited by Mr. Jones, whom he rescues from the hands of a Soviet officer. Mr. Jones takes him, along with a talkative man named Phil Bagzton, to a hideout in the cavernous sewer system beneath the city streets.

Download Game Windows XP / 7 / 10
