Republic: The Revolution is a video game produced by Elixir Studios, founded by Demis Hassabis, a former programmer of Lionhead Studios, and published by Eidos Interactive. It is a depiction of grassroots political action, where one attempts to put their preferred government in power. It is set in Novistrana, a small, fictional, post-Soviet country in Eastern Europe.
As a strategy game, the 3D game engine is mostly a facade on top of simpler rules and mechanics reminiscent of a board game. The 3D engine provides a high level of detail and helps flesh out the world of Novistrana, enabling players to take a virtual tour of their current location. However, the overall influence of the 3D engine on the actual mechanics of gameplay is minimal – the ability to view actions taking place does not affect the outcome of those actions. Some actions carried out in the game offer extra customization options in the 3D view (for instance, choosing the approach for canvassing or allocating ‘cards’ in negotiations) but these are separate from the 3D world.
The game is divided into Days, each of which is a cycle of Morning, Afternoon, and Night. Each of these periods is a turn of sorts, in which orders may be given to faction members to be carried out in the next available turn. Every morning force, influence, and wealth, the in-game resources, are collected.